More protection for Derbyshire consumers
Derbyshire residents are to be offered more protection against scams through a new scheme set up by Age UK Derby and Derbyshire and the Citizens Advice Bureaux.
Scam Watch will offer victims one-to-one support and provide direct help and advice as well as raise awareness about phone, mail, online and doorstep scams.
Funded by a £25,000 Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner Grant, the scheme will ensure victims receive direct help and are referred to other appropriate sources of support.
It will enable volunteers to be recruited and trained to visit scam mail victims at home and ‘call blockers’ − devices which filter out unwanted or cold calls − will be installed in the homes of vulnerable, high-risk phone scam victims.
The grant will also allow better identification of those at risk, support research into how much scams cost the local economy and allow closer partnership working with support groups such as Neighbourhood Watch.
Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Communities Councillor Dave Allen said:
“We welcome the Police and Crime Commissioner grant to improve the support we offer and also raise awareness to help people spot a scam and not be taken in.