About Destination Chesterfield


View of Chesterfield from the surrounding countryside

Destination Chesterfield Campaigns

Destination Chesterfield delivers a number of campaigns to raise the profile of Chesterfield and support the local business community. These campaigns are Invest In Chesterfield, Experience Chesterfield, Work and Live in Chesterfield, Championing Chesterfield and Destination Chesterfield.

An external review of Destination Chesterfield was carried out in Spring 2022.  This suggests a refresh to the operation of Destination Chesterfield and the promotion of Chesterfield.

The key findings according to the review were as follows:

  • Destination Chesterfield is a success
  • It benefits, as does Chesterfield Borough Council, from it being independent, whilst having a successful and supportive council.
  • It delivers, is quality focused, and is well-regarded.
  • The world has/is changing rapidly. Destination Chesterfield needs to evolve as well.

Activity in these campaigns has been developed through consultation with both the public and private sector, and to support the Chesterfield Growth Strategy.

An interim plan for 2023/4 has been developed. A new three-year plan will be developed throughout 2023.

All the campaigns of Destination Chesterfield look to add value and not duplicate existing activity, and where possible to coordinate marketing activity between partners in the town to make a bigger impact for Chesterfield.

Chesterfield Champions

The Chesterfield Champions scheme is a powerful network helping to drive the development of our economy, shape our future and showcase our town.

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Destination Chesterfield Board

The Destination Chesterfield Board is made up of local businesses who drive forward the promotion of Chesterfield as a place to invest, work, live and visit

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View of Chesterfield town centre

Story of Chesterfield

The story of Chesterfield was 2,000 years in the making. From roots as a Roman fort its excellent transport links helped it become a prosperous market town.

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