
Work and Live in Chesterfield

Work and Live in Chesterfield Campaign

Chesterfield Champions often highlight the importance of developing a skilled workforce. Destination Chesterfield will continue to promote opportunities to businesses to encourage them to develop existing staff and attract new talent.

The Made in Chesterfield initiative will continue and Destination Chesterfield will continue to offer marketing support to Chesterfield Borough Council with skills activity.

Work will be carried out to develop a narrative to attract people to live in Chesterfield. Content and assets will be created alongside developing marketing campaigns.

The changes in the way that people work, quality of life, and the affordability of Chesterfield, all provide an opportunity to think differently about attracting talent to live in the area.

  • Delivery of Skills and Employability Marketing, events, and activity for Chesterfield Borough Council
  • Made in Chesterfield Festival
  • Chesterfield Skills and Employability Conference
  • Marketing assets to promote the strengths of Chesterfield as a place to live and work
Employees at Superior Wellness playing games in wellbeing facilities at the office


Chesterfield is the economic heart of North Derbyshire and is home to a wide range of businesses including IT specialists, world class engineering and communications companies.

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Made in Chesterfield United Cast Bar Tour

What is Made in Chesterfield?

Made in Chesterfield celebrates the manufacturing and engineering industries in our town. Local schools & businesses come together to showcase the sectors.

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Mum, Dad and child in kitchen smiling


Whether it’s a town or village experience, contemporary or traditional housing, buying or renting, living in Chesterfield and the surrounding area is affordable and offers something for everyone.

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