New way of Doing Rotary to Help the Local Community
Busy younger business people in Chesterfield who want to help others will soon get the chance to get together with an exciting new Rotary venture. The Rotary Club of Chesterfield is looking to set up a satellite club, which is a brand new concept of Rotary where busy people who are time poor, with a variety of skills to offer, are invited to work with others to give something back to the local community.
Chesterfield Rotary member Rob Woodhead of BRM Solictors said: “Satellite members can meet when it suits them during business hours, or in a bar after work. They get to choose their own projects and priorities but still remain part of the worldwide organization of Rotary International.”
He added: “We recognize that busy professionals will want to do things their own way with less formality and this new satellite club gives them that chance in Chesterfield for the first time.”
A launch meeting for interested people is being held at Calabria Italian Restaurant, Glumangate, Chesterfield, on Wednesday 27 January 2016 from 5.30pm. Potential members can obtain more details from Rob Woodhead 01246 555111 or email rob.woodhead@brmlaw.co.uk