More volunteers wanted for Chesterfield Marathon
Organisers of the Chesterfield Marathon are on the hunt for more volunteers to help make the second event a success.
Set to take place on Sunday 20th September, the full and half marathon, as well as the fun run will all start and finish at Queen’s Park – where an all-day party has also been planned.
Those keen to get involved will be asked to assist on the day of the race from 7.30am until early afternoon, with duties ranging from marshalling to manning drinks stations.
All volunteers will be given a high vis vest, branded t-shirt, refreshments and food whilst on duty, as well as a ‘Volunteers Village’ to return to in Queen’s Park, where everyone can meet, swap stories and relax after the race is complete.
Those sparing their time will also receive a share of the profits from the event for a charity of their choice, thanks to a scheme announced earlier this year.
One group already to sign up as volunteers include ‘Team Inspire’, made up of an inspiring young people who have undertaken a National Citizen’s Service (NCS) project to create a legally designated wall space for graffiti in Chesterfield. The team, accompanied by their parents, will look after the first drinks station of the race on the A617.
Mike Hyman, founder of the Chesterfield and Derbyshire Marathon, said: “Volunteering is a great opportunity for local people to get involved in a brilliant event in Chesterfield and show their support without actually taking part in the race itself.
“Organising an event of this scale takes a huge amount of time and effort, so volunteers provide us with such vital support, both in the run up to and on race day itself, to ensure things run as smoothly as possible.
“We are all excited about the marathon. It is going to be a fantastic day for everyone in the community and we hope as many people as possible can be involved with it.”
To volunteer for the Chesterfield Marathon register at www.chesterfieldmarathon.org.uk/registrations or contact Julie Harrington on 01246 269023 or e-mail julie@chesterfieldmarathon.co.uk.
Image: Team Inspire’, made up of an inspiring young people who have undertaken a National Citizen’s Service (NCS) project to create a legally designated wall space for graffiti in Chesterfield.