Chesterfield News

Spireites mark Older People’s Day

To coincide with nationwide Older People’s Day and the 26th United Nations International Day of Older Persons on Saturday 1 October, the Spireites have decided to mark the day at their game against Bradford City.

The UN designates the day to take a stand against ageism by drawing attention to and challenging negative stereotypes and misconceptions about older persons and ageing.

According to the last census, more than 25% of the town’s population are aged over 60 compared to an average of just over 22% across England as a whole, making the way we treat our more senior members of the community extremely important.

This season, for the first time, to recognise the valuable role that older persons play in society, the club offered free season tickets to supporters aged 80 and over whilst initiatives such as the Senior Spireites lunches, the weekly gentle exercise & social group and walking football are just a few of the many areas that the club and Chesterfield FC Community Trust works closely with older members within the area.

Indeed, walking football, which has taken off significantly, began here at Chesterfield and has spawned organisations such as Chesterfield Ex-Spires, who have moved up from walking football to full-pace five-a-side games for over 60s.

There is a weekly walking group which sees walkers set off from The HUB – behind the Community (East) Stand – at 10.30am every Thursday. The HUB is the venue for a weekly Spireites Speakeasy that brings older supporters together every Friday lunchtime. It also hosts the local Bridge Club and is adjacent to the Memorial Garden where friends and family can remember loved ones no longer with us.

In recognition of Older People’s Day, guests of the club at the match will include 102-year-old supporter Gladys Smith, Albert ‘Des’ Collins – who at 93 is one of the club’s oldest former players – and 80-year-old comedy entertainer Bernie Clifton.


Chesterfield Football Club

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

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