Chesterfield News

Thousands head to skills festival in Chesterfield

More than 2,000 people visited Derbyshire Skills Festival this week at Queen’s Park Sports Centre.

Derbyshire Skills Festival, the county’s largest careers event organised by Derbyshire County Council and Derby City Council, is an opportunity for young people aged 15 to 19 − including those in Year 11 who are considering their future − to get information and career guidance.

The Chesterfield event was held at Queen’s Park Sports Centre on Thursday 15 September with employers, colleges, training providers and voluntary organisations offering free support and guidance.

Young people also got the chance to try a new skill and experience an array of bigger and better ‘have-a-go’ sessions in engineering and catering.

Damien Greenhalgh, Deputy Cabinet Member for Children’s Services Councillor, said:-

“It was great to see so many young people thinking about their futures at the Skills Festival event in Chesterfield.

“The festival is a great opportunity for young people to find out what they need to know about what options they have when they leave school all under one roof.

“The year’s event at Chesterfield had a real buzz − there were lots of fun ‘have a go’ sessions too.

“It really is a great place for employers, education and training providers and voluntary organisations to show young people thinking about their future what they have to offer.”


Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

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Derbyshire Skills Festival chesterfield