Chesterfield News

Votes needed for Community Dig

Chesterfield Canal Trust have recently applied for a grant from the Aviva Community Fund for an archaeological dig in Staveley next August. The Aviva Community Fund offers the public the opportunity to vote for community projects and worth while causes they believe will benefit from funding.

If the Trust gets enough votes and receives the grant, the dig will run for a fortnight overseen by a professional archaeologist. The project would serve a number of goals; providing an engaging and education experience for the local community, raise public awareness of the canal and its environment and potentially uncover interesting artefacts that can be conserved for display and education purposes.

The Last Cuckoo Project is a community history and archaeological project with a focus on the Chesterfield Canal at Bellhouse Lane, Staveley. The canal basin, now a small, insignificant patch of overgrown wasteland was once a thriving industrial complex with wharves, tramways, gas works and a lost, unique Chesterfield Canal narrowboat (cuckoo). The funding would cover all necessary costs associated with the dig including a professional archaeologist, a machine digger and driver, insurance, tools and PPE and conservation costs.

Andy Robertson, a representative from the Chesterfield Canal Trust who applied for the grant commented:

“Please vote for our project and help us secure the funds we need to build an amazing, educational and exciting community event in Staveley!”

Voting closes this Friday. To find out more information or vote click here.



Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

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