Chesterfield News

Chesterfield FC ‘Time to Change’ fixture raises awareness

The Chesterfield FC match against Ebbsfleet United last weekend marked the Time to Change fixture for Chesterfield FC Community Trust.

Time to Change is a nationwide campaign to end the stigma and discrimination faced by people who experience mental health problems.

Statistically, one in four people will experience a mental health problem in any given year. Participants from the Trust’s A Spire Right programme volunteered their time to engage with supporters at the Ebbsfleet game by giving leaflets out that focused on three points:

1. They are the same person as you. When someone tells you they have a mental health problem, don’t treat them differently.

2. Don’t just talk listen. Showing you are paying attention can make the world of difference.

3. Be careful with your language. Making a joke of someone’s mental health can be really isolating.

Andrea Parkinson, the Trust’s senior education and wellbeing officer, says: “There are two main fixtures at the Proact Stadium every season that focus on mental health and suicide prevention.”

“Dedicating matchdays to try and end the stigma regarding mental health is very important for our community and it also works alongside the messages we deliver on our mental health courses.”

“The participants gain from engaging with supporters and it is also a great way of raising awareness of our mental health projects.”

For more information regarding the health and wellbeing courses, please email

Chesterfield FC Proact

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

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