Chesterfield News

Chesterfield Museum offers online activities

Chesterfield Museum has launched a range of free online activities to help educate and entertain you and your family, without having to leave the house.

The museum itself might be closed, but that doesn’t mean the creativity and learning has to stop as the team have put together a programme of activities for the whole family. From craft ideas and experiments you can do at home, to quizzes and poetry, there’s something for everyone to get involved in.

For those wanting to find out more about Chesterfield’s past, or if history is on your home-schooling timetable, there’s a variety of online exhibitions available at

You can learn more about the history of the Crooked Spire, the black and white buildings of Chesterfield and take a look back into the brewing industry of our town. You can also find out more about life down the pit and the extraordinary women of Chesterfield’s past.

Keep an eye on the Chesterfield Museum Facebook page too, as items from the museum will be showcased and you can learn more about the story behind them.

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager at Destination Chesterfield said “It is great that this resource has been created by the Chesterfield Museum, so people can access the collections and activity during the Coronavirus Outbreak, another brilliant addition to our Supporting Local website.”

Discover more ideas for things to do at home with the family on the Destination Chesterfield Supporting Local Pages

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom
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