Chesterfield News

Action Grants awarded to over 900 Derbyshire projects and more grants on the way

Derbyshire County Council have awarded almost £1 million through their Action Grants scheme over the past 2 years.

The cash has been a boost to the activities of community groups, sports clubs, charities and parish councils across the county.At the final tally, Derbyshire County Council have awarded Action Grants totalling nearly £905,000 to 906 projects across Derbyshire in 8 rounds. In the final round 77 groups have been awarded grants totalling £220,000 across the 4 categories of youth activity, community activity, physical activity and sport and community safety.

The grants are supporting activities like tackling anti-social behaviour and scams, sports training and facilities, theatre groups, choirs, music events, allotments, developing apps, art workshops, adventure activities for youth groups, counselling support, building refurbishment, equipment for community buildings, toddler groups, green schemes, clubs for older people and activities to support disabled people.

If grants were given for events planned to take place in 2020 but postponed because of the Covid-19 crisis, the money can be used next year instead.

Derbyshire County Council Leader Councillor Barry Lewis said: “There’s excellent work going on in our local communities and our Action Grants have helped to give some financial support to many of the activities.”

“Even modest amounts of cash have made an appreciable difference to some of the groups and I have witnessed for myself how the money has helped.”

“People of all ages are benefiting from the work of these groups and I’d like to thank the staff and volunteers who put in so much time and effort to run these schemes.”

“We are continuing to give grant support with our recently launched Youth Activity Grants which I’d encourage residents and businesses to apply for.”

There is £220,000 available in Youth Activity Grants between now and the end of the year or until all the money has been allocated.

Find details of the recipients from all Action Grant rounds here.

Picture taken prior to the coronavirus pandemic

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom

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