Chesterfield News

Chesterfield’s independent businesses announce special offers for ‘Fiver Fest’

Saturday 8 to Saturday 22 October 2022 will see many of the great independent businesses of Chesterfield putting on special £5 offers as they take part in the 9th Totally Locally Fiver Fest.

Fiver Fest is a national initiative run by Totally Locally, the UK’s biggest grass-roots High Street campaign. The initiative aims to encourage the ‘local community’ to get on board and support our independent businesses.

The businesses taking part have put on offers for a FIVER to entice you into their business, give them a go and hopefully remind yourself of the great places we have in our town.

The initiative is all about keeping money in the local area, supporting the high street and working together to make Chesterfield a better place.

People are encouraged to watch the ‘Tale of a Tenner’ video on Youtube, which shows, in a simple way, how shopping locally can make a huge difference to the place we live.

Paul Chapman from S40 Local magazine says, “Fiver Fest is a chance for local independent businesses to join a much larger family for a couple of weeks.

“Totally Locally are the guys behind the national Fiver Fest campaign and it enables businesses to create an offer for a fiver that we can all take up. We might not need every offer but there must be one or two that most of us could enjoy. My advice is to look out for the offers and support these fab local businesses.

“I know we’re all feeling the pinch at the moment but every penny we spend with a local indy business tends to stay local and has a positive impact on the local economy.

“I’m a small indy businesses just like those taking part so it’s important that I do what I can to support them through S40 and S41 Local magazines together with Simon Paterson, and Defeye Creative, the team behind

At the time of writing, offers are available from Adorn Jewellers, Delightful Décor, Empire Coffee Lounge & Bar, Flower Girl Plants, Fred’s Haberdashery, Ingmans Cobblers, M’s Gallery, Oculi Opticians, Pizza Pi, Plasters For Disasters, Shop Indie, Steph’s Sustainable Stuff, Stonecraft Ornaments, Straightcurves, Tallbird Records, The Vintage Tea Rooms, Tina’s Make & Mend and Twelfthcraft… a couple of sample offers include a pair of stud ear rings for a fiver from Shop Indie or a pair of socks for a fiver from Ingman’s Cobblers.

There will be additional offers from many more businesses so look out for them, and be sure to spend a fiver or two with our fantastic ‘indy businesses.’


Josh Marsh

Destination Chesterfield Coordinator (Investment and Marketing)

Email Josh
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