Chesterfield News

Town Deal funding aims to support businesses in Staveley town centre

A new scheme to support businesses in Staveley Town Centre has been launched by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Businesses and charities are being invited to apply for funds to help improve their premises, as part of plans to support the wider regeneration of Staveley town centre.

The Staveley 21 Shop Front Improvement Grant scheme can provide funding for business owners or landlords who want to make improvements such as new signage, window replacements, repairs to brickwork, improving lighting or the addition of new security measures. The scheme is funded through the Staveley Town Deal and managed by Chesterfield Borough Council.

It is one element of the nearly £5 million investment that will be made in Staveley town centre over the next three years. This package of works also includes the refurbishment of the Market Place, rejuvenation of the High Street and improving connections across the town centre including with the historic Chesterfield Canal.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “This grant scheme is a key element of our plans to improve Staveley town centre and make it a more inviting place to visit, to shop and to socialise. We want to work with local businesses to provide the support they need to increase footfall and make their businesses thrive.

“We’ve made sure that this grant scheme is one of the most generous in the country and I’d encourage any business owner or landlord in Staveley to speak with our team to find out how this initiative could help them.”

A small business or charity can claim 80% of the costs of improvements made through the scheme. The grants will be provided on a first come first served basis and applications must be made before April 2025.

The appropriate works will be unique for each eligible business and prior to any application the project team are able to discuss your needs and eligibility but also advise on works that would be covered under the grant scheme and any permissions (e.g. planning consent) that are required.

A set of principles to guide improvements and support the design process have also been developed.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and vice chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “This scheme is just one element of the improvements planned for Staveley town centre using Town Deal funding. Together these ambitious proposals will help provide a boost for local businesses and create a more attractive place to visit which will help ensure Staveley is the place to start, stay and grow.”

Staveley 21 includes the renovation of Market Square with new paving, seating, lighting and planting. There is also an ambition to create a new landmark building for use by either businesses or public sector services where the currently disused toilet block stands.

Rejuvenation of the High Street will enhance improvements made through the Shop Front Improvement Grant scheme and complement the heritage conservation area.

Improving connections and wayfinding signage across the town centre will help visitors to explore the canal and other local points of interest. A new lighting strategy will help ensure visibility across the area is improved whilst also supporting the night time economy by making the centre a more attractive place to visit at all hours.

For more details about the Shop Front Improvement Grant Scheme, including guidance notes and the application form, please visit:

You can also find out more about the planned improvements for Staveley town centre by visiting:

Cllr Gilby and Cllr Sarvent Staveley Town Centre

Josh Marsh

Destination Chesterfield Coordinator (Investment and Marketing)

Email Josh
Cllr Gilby and Cllr Sarvent_Staveley High Street

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