Chesterfield News

New assessment unit for children and young people opens at Chesterfield Royal Hospital

GPs and clinicians in Chesterfield and beyond will now be able to refer children and young people to a purpose-built £2m state-of-the-art Paediatric Assessment Unit.

The exciting new development, which will care for some of the hospital’s youngest patients has 12 treatment spaces and is adjacent to the paediatric area towards the rear of the hospital. It will ensure that children who have been referred by a healthcare professional can be assessed, investigated and reviewed much more quickly and responsively, in a setting which is far more suited to their short-term needs.

It forms part of the latest round of developments at the Chesterfield Royal Hospital site, and this bespoke unit is not just a new build – it will help to release space on children’s inpatient areas and improving the experience for colleagues and patients. The unit has been designed with children in mind; and features a space for waiting and playing and bright colours in all areas.

Tracy Barker, Lead Nurse for Family Care, said: “We are incredibly excited to see this come to fruition. Previously children who will now be referred to the PAU were treated on our inpatient ward, which is not always the best environment for a short stay.

“We have been able to perform simulation exercises as part of the development to ensure the layout is accessible and fit for purpose. This has meant that we will be able to hit the ground running from opening day.

“I am incredibly proud to see it opening and I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this from day one and to all my colleagues – especially the building team for their flexibility and the domestics team who have worked incredibly hard to get it to sparkle!”

Dr Hal Spencer, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust said: “I am delighted that we are opening the PAU, which will provide support and care for our youngest patients and their families. This is just one of many developments on site which will allow us to continue to provide exceptional care for our patients.

“The PAU will receive referrals from clinicians and will work together with our primary care, community and Emergency Department colleagues to provide a complete package of care for our patients. We continue to ask parents and guardians to take children and young people with emergencies to the Emergency Department in the first instance, where we will then assess and potentially move to this area based on a clinical decision.”

Chesterfield Royal Hospital supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

royal hospital assessment unit

Josh Marsh

Destination Chesterfield Coordinator (Investment and Marketing)

Email Josh
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