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DIT Masterclass: International e-commerce

international e commerce

Are you an export-ready business looking to sell products to international customers via your website or another platform? If so, this workshop can help you to better understand and identify the sales channels and opportunities available to you.

Designed by a digital specialist, this workshop will enable you to develop your digital skills, raise your global brand presence, and allow you to test new markets with minimal investment. By attending, you will learn how to develop a strategy in the following areas:

• Online Routes to market
A strategic approach towards eMarketplaces means companies can position products in front of international consumers who are on sites where they are confident and from which they are already buying products.

• Identifying Multi-channel and B2B online opportunities
There are a host of other online channels available that can help establish or grow presence in other markets. These include Flash and member sale sites or eMarketplace platforms set up for more traditional B2B and wholesale opportunities.


  • East Midlands Chamber, Commerce House, Millennium Way, Chesterfield, S41 8ND



  • FREE

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