Chesterfield events

Forthcoming Events

Over the Garden Fence

‘Over the Garden Fence’ follows the story of Annabelle and her Gran Dolly. Annabelle and the audience are taken on a nostalgic journey through Gran’s life, sharing memories of happiness, sorrow and joy. It is a fast paced, uplifting and comical exploration into family, life and relationships that promotes an awareness of dementia that is accessible to all. The stories within the play are personal.

This play encourages conversation and engages audiences in the discussion of not only dementia, but the importance of the individual behind the diagnosis. Professional’s, care workers and mental health care services, use this play as a tool to reinforce the message of person centered care.

‘Over the Garden Fence’ is a must-see performance for those working in health and social care settings.

‘Over the Garden Fence’ is one hour long.

Child looking through a telescope
Chesterfield Observatory

Come and look at the stunning night sky as Chesterfield Observatory is open to the public. Take a look through the telescope and see what you can spot.

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  • Winding Wheel



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