Chesterfield News

New partnership set to help Chesterfield achieve its goals

A new closer working relationship between Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council, focussed on delivering key regeneration projects, will help achieve the borough’s growth strategy.

As highlighted in the Chesterfield Borough Council’s growth strategy approved in 2018, there are a number of significant growth and regeneration projects underway in the borough. Collectively, these projects provide an opportunity to put Chesterfield on a higher growth path. For Chesterfield’s communities these projects will bring the opportunity to access up to 10,000 new jobs.

The new Joint Growth Board will ensure the councils will consider at a strategic level how best to deploy resources to ensure delivery timescales and outcomes are met.

Resources will be shared to accelerate and achieve further economic development in the area, with both organisations currently involved in a number of multi-million-pound projects across the borough including the Northern Gateway project, Chesterfield Waterside, Staveley Corridor improvements and planning for HS2. There will also be a dedicated skills delivery officer to ensure the work readiness of local people to take advantage of the new jobs that will be created.

Councillor Terry Gilby (right), Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “Both councils have ambitious economic growth programmes underway, so the creation of the new Joint Growth Board will allow us to accelerate project delivery, share resources and have a more joined-up approach to working with our private sector partners.”

“We put our communities first in each of the projects we undertake, so I believe that the new jobs, housing and benefits this partnership will bring to our local economy will help to make Chesterfield a thriving borough.”

Derbyshire County Council’s cabinet member for economic development and regeneration Councillor Tony King said: “As Derbyshire’s largest town, we all want to see Chesterfield thrive.”

“That’s why it makes sense to work together, to pool our resources and efforts to create jobs and drive economic growth. It’s all part of our approach to being an Enterprising Council and it’s what our residents and businesses expect.”

The Joint Growth Board will include the leaders of both councils, as well as the appropriate portfolio holders who will be responsible for monitoring the delivery of a defined list of key projects and decision to ensure plans remain on track.

Councillor Gilby continued: “This is really great news for the borough. The new board will allow a direct link to the political leadership of both councils and will create a multi-disciplinary resource able to work flexibly across identified priority projects.”

One of the next projects on the horizon in the heart of Chesterfield is a new enterprise centre (below) for both start-up and medium sized businesses on the Holywell Cross (donut) car park, with work due to start after the archaeological dig is finalised. This is one element of the Northern Gateway project, funded by a Sheffield City Region Infrastructure Fund grant of £5.83 million.

Works are also underway on Elder Way and Knifesmithgate to create new retail outlets under the new Premier Inn, as well as there being street improvements planned in the area next year.

Enterprise Centre

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

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