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Managing the Sales Process whilst Remote Working

Create a toolkit to keep pipeline visibility high and positive momentum in your sales process with a remote sales team. Automate routine tasks, capture insights into hot prospects, and improve sales performance to turn your remote sales team in a high-performance department.

This webinar is delivered by the East Midlands Chamber’s Digital Growth Programme team and is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, East Midlands Chamber and Leicestershire County Council.

Buyers have more information at their fingertips than ever before and sales professionals are changing the way they sell to offer value at every step of the process. This webinar covers the whole sales process, from prospecting to closing, providing guidance on the latest technology and processes to help optimise every stage.

Who should attend:
This webinar offers insights for account managers, business development professionals, sales team managers, or anyone is accountable for sales within their organisation. The tools and techniques shared are most relevant to organisations with sales processes that are typically more complex than a straight-forward transaction such as retail or e-commerce.

This webinar will cover:

  • Cloud-based CRM – Enabling a remote team to perform sales effectively requires them to have the right information at the right time. Choose the right cloud-based CRM and select a suite of add-ins which improve your sales efficiency.
  • Prospecting from home – Make Identifying prospects and managing sales outreach while working from the home-office a breeze with a suite of tools to help spot the hottest prospects and gain insight into the individuals who would be good fit customers for your company.
  • Managing meetings – Having an effective meeting can make or break a sale, and failing to secure a meeting can stifle the momentum in a potential deal. Make sure your deals don’t fizzle out with these fool-proof tools for turning leads into opportunities.
  • Closing deals – When trying to co-ordinate proposals, contracts, stakeholders and signatures, it can sometimes feel like a deal with never be done as you approach the final hurdle. Discover the latest sales technology and see how to reduce the stress of getting a deal over the line.
Chesterfield Car Boot Sale

Whether you're hunting for treasures or have some to sell, Chesterfield Car Boot Sale is one of the biggest weekly car boot sales in the area.

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