Chesterfield events

Forthcoming Events

Brampton Manor drive-in cinema screenings

Brampton Manor has announced the launch of a series of drive-in movies, giving local people the opportunity to enjoy cinema in a safe environment.

A schedule of movies has been planned, with audio from the films to be played through each individual car radio using FM transmitters.

In-car dining will be available with a full drinks delivery service.  Marshalls will be on-hand to assist with parking.

For those wanting to get closer to the action, there is a VIP ‘golden circle’ option ensuring you get a spot near the screen.

Child looking through a telescope
Chesterfield Observatory

Come and look at the stunning night sky as Chesterfield Observatory is open to the public. Take a look through the telescope and see what you can spot.

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  • Brampton Manor, Old Road, Chesterfield, S40 3QR


  • Prices Vary

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