Chesterfield events

Forthcoming Events

Christmas Wreath Making

Christmas wreath making

Learn how to make a festive wreath from Chatsworth foliage, cones and berries.

This is an informal session with our garden team and the wreath is yours to take home at the end of the day. A great way to get you in the festive mood.

This event takes place between 9:30am and 11:30am on the following dates:

  • 9 December
  • 10 December
  • 11 December

This event includes a hot drink and mince pie, as well as admission to the house and garden on the day.

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Advanced Christmas wreath making

An advanced workshop working with a wide range of materials, from dried seedheads and fruit to juniper, box and cornus stems, plus learn how to wire on moss to form a wreath base.

This new informal session with our garden team is perfect for visitors who’ve already had their hand at our Christmas wreath making workshop.

With a larger selection of materials to work with – including juniper, box and cypress stems, herbs, dried seedheads, dried fruit and more – this workshop is a great way to get you in the festive mood.

This event includes a hot drink and mince pie, as well as admission to the house and garden on the day.

This event takes place between 1pm and 4pm on the following dates:

  • 9 December
  • 10 December
  • 11 December

Book Now


  • Chatsworth House, Bakewell Derbyshire DE45 1PP

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Half term at Hardwick

Half term has never been more ‘love’ly! Explore the exciting Elizabethan themes of St Valentines through outdoor play and crafts.

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Traditional Games Weekend

A weekend of fun and play with traditional toys and games. Have a go from Medieval quoits to a Victorian bagatelle.

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History Makers at Bolsover Castle

This half term, try something different with History Makers at Bolsover Castle! Join characters from the past for historical hijinks.

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