Chesterfield events

Forthcoming Events

Driving Business Success

As part of the Sheffield Innovation Programme the Sheffield Business School at Sheffield Hallam University, will be running a series of practitioner workshops that will be delivered through 4 x 3 hour interactive masterclass workshops. The masterclasses are aimed at those in operational or management roles who wish to further optimise their personal effectiveness and impact in driving forward business success. Businesses eligible for this funded programme will be located in the Sheffield city region.

Masterclass 1 – Leading for business success 

Masterclass objectives:
•To understand your ‘leadership type’ and your leadership ‘shadow’
•Learn how to leverage leadership strengths that build effective market driven relationships
•Deliver practical strategies for immediately applying to interpersonal and business challenges

Masterclass 2 – Innovate for business growth and success

Masterclass objectives:
•To provide an overview of the design and development of innovative strategies
•Explore changes that may be constraining business opportunities
•How to develop innovative approaches in competitive, dynamic and fast changing environments

Masterclass 3 – High performance teams

Masterclass objectives:
•Provide an understanding of how to develop high performance team principles that provide people with a purpose, autonomy and the skills to deliver on the organizational vision
•Develop an appreciation of how to create a high-trust environment ensuring teams are more effective and people work better, harder and feel more positive about their work.

Masterclass 4 – Understanding your customer value proposition

Masterclass objectives:
•Develop understanding and recognition of the role and purpose of creating customer value creation
•Recognise and appreciate the needs and behaviours of different customer types
•Learn how to structure compelling sales presentations

Chesterfield Car Boot Sale

Whether you're hunting for treasures or have some to sell, Chesterfield Car Boot Sale is one of the biggest weekly car boot sales in the area.

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  • Sheffield Hallam University, City Campus, Howard Street , Sheffield, S1 1WB



  • FREE

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