Chesterfield events

Forthcoming Events

The Sparks Series – Simon Wheatcroft on Making The Impossible, Possible

Akala on The Power of Education

Prepare to be excited, surprised and inspired by people with a passion at our series of free talks on a range of topics.

What would you do if you lost your sight at the age of 17? For Simon Wheatcroft, the second speaker in The Sparks Series, it meant adapting available technology to achieve the impossible.

By cleverly making use of technology, Simon learned not only to navigate everyday life, but also to run outdoors with only a smartphone app and his remaining senses as a guide. Seven months later, he ran his first ever race – an incredible 100 miles long.

Since then, he has gone on to compete in ultra-marathons in the Namibian desert. He now works with leading technology companies to assist them to develop products which help others to go further than they ever imagined.


  • Chesterfield Library Theatre, New Beetwell Street, Chesterfield, S40 1QN



  • Free

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