Chesterfield events

Forthcoming Events

Anti-violence Bee Monument Tour

Ant-violence bee

A thought-provoking anti-violence monument will be arriving in Chesterfield as it beings a county-wide tour of Derbyshire.  The bee will be in Chesterfield Town Centre on Wednesday 14th December.

Originally created for Manchester, the 11ft tall monument was created using various weapons, including knives and firearms, seized from the city’s streets. The monument represents a firm stance against all forms of violence and the visit is set to highlight the force’s dedication to preventing, and talking about, acts of violence.

Whilst in Derbyshire, officers will be on hand to give advice, answer any questions and talk to visitors. The aim is to prevent violence, whatever it’s form, through a dedicated campaign which seeks to spread the anti-violence message across Derbyshire and beyond.

The visit follows the success of the knife angel’s visit to Derbyshire, which is made by the same company and started some really key conversations in communities.

The bee will also be spreading its wings and its messaging to youngsters in a number of schools and colleges during its month-long trek across Derbyshire.

Knitters and crafters have also been sending in hand-made bees, and whilst visitors are speaking to officers there will be the chance to grab one of these, which will contain anti-violence messaging, and sign up to our e-mail alert system, Derbyshire Alert.

Anyone who picks up one of these bees is encouraged to share their photos and engage with us on social media, tagging Derbyshire Constabulary and using the hashtag #BeeUnitedAgainstViolence

violence bee

Rail Ale Festival - Image Credit: Paul Bigland
Rail Ale Festival

The Rail Ale Festival at Barrow Hill Roundhouse is a CAMRA approved beer festival with all the essential elements for an unforgettable experience.

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