Refurbishment of a housing block will set the standard for decarbonising buildings in Chesterfield – whilst helping to reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%.
Brocklehurst Court in Brampton is being upgraded into a more sustainable and energy-efficient building through a major decarbonisation project.
The project will see the existing gas central heating system and hot water boilers being removed at the Chesterfield Borough Council-owned independent living scheme, and replaced with commercial air source heat pumps.
To further enhance energy efficiency, solar panels are being installed on the roof which will help generate electricity to power the new air source heat pumps.
Each flat will have a modern Heat Interface Unit installed which will give residents greater control over their heating and hot water – improving both comfort, and energy efficiency.
To enhance efficiency and reduce reliance on the grid, the project will incorporate battery storage to help ensure that the solar panels can be used efficiently with renewable energy being used, even when it is not being generated.
Councillor Martin Stone, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for climate change, planning and environment, said: “This project represents a significant step in our commitment to becoming a carbon neutral organisation and I’m really pleased to see that works have started and are progressing well at Brocklehurst Court.
“The energy used to heat and power buildings is one of the largest sources of emissions in Chesterfield and this project demonstrates the kinds of upgrades that can be carried out on buildings across the borough to reduce emissions and improve energy efficiency.
“The decarbonisation project will help us to reduce carbon emissions, but it will also help improve the quality of life for our tenants.”
Chesterfield Borough Council is committed to becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030 and supporting its communities to become carbon neutral by 2050.
To find out more about what the council is doing to tackle climate change in Chesterfield visit: