Staveley Town Deal Projects

Construction Skills Hub

Students learning construction skills at Chesterfield College

The Construction Skills Hub is an innovative scheme, enhancing skills for more than 5,000 people in Chesterfield and Staveley.

The first cohort of learners started in September 2023. Initially based at Chesterfield College, they will be moving to the new training hub – one of the projects being funded through the Staveley Town Deal.

An innovative approach to learning, the Construction Skills Hub provides a range of sector specific training on The Devonshire Group’s live construction site in Mastin Moor, allowing learners at the hub to develop their skills, whilst also gaining experience in the sector.

The Construction Skills Hub forms a key part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s skills action plan.

It will boost existing construction training offers, allowing local learners to develop their skills in a live on-site centre.

The Construction Skills Hub will also provide a practical platform for construction training, careers activity and work experience.

Acting as a catalyst for construction-related training and employment, the Hub will initially be situated at the Devonshire Group’s Mastin Moor site which has planning permission for 650 homes, a care facility, local centre and extensive parkland.

Initially the Skills Hub will provide training in site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation. In time, the hub’s offer will expand to include training in retrofit and green technologies. It will be open to school leavers and other residents seeking to train or retrain.

Chesterfield College and the University of Derby will oversee the development as joint training providers. They will work in partnership with construction businesses to ensure people can develop the skills required for a successful career. In addition, the hub will teach the green skills required to embrace the future, with a focus on modern and sustainable construction methods.

Working on a live construction site will not only allow learners to develop the skills they need, but it will also provide practical experience and help provide a link to construction companies where they could find permanent roles.

Over ten years, the Hub aims to provide career insights, training and work experience for over 5,000 learners.

Site visit to Construction Skills Hub

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Site visit to Construction Skills Hub

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