New housing in Chesterfield

70 new houses to be built in North Wingfield

70 new homes are set to be built off Whiteleas Avenue in North Wingfield, following a deal betweeen Rykneld Homes and Countryside Partnerships.

On land owned by North East Derbyshire District Council, and formerly consisting of post-war non-traditional housing, Countryside Partnerships will deliver a mix of two- and three-bedroom homes, as well as four-bedroom homes to address the need for larger homes in the area. The new development will include homes for affordable rent along with homes for sale.

All 70 homes will be built for North East Derbyshire District Council and managed by Rykneld Homes. The agreement with Countryside Partnerships was facilitated by Efficiency North’s EN:Procure Framework, a not-for-profit consortium serving the construction procurement needs of the social housing landlord community.

Using this route enabled Rykneld Homes to work directly with Countryside Partnerships to develop the proposals in collaboration.

As well as delivering much-needed, high-quality new homes for the local community, Countryside Partnerships will also provide six apprenticeship places over the course of the build.

The development will also deliver a number of improvements to the local area, including upgraded play facilities at Alice’s View and Blacks Lane play areas, £165,000 to fund improved education facilities at North Wingfield Primary and Nursery School and Tupton Hall School, and over £28,000 for the NHS Chesterfield Royal Hospital.

Greg Wood, Land and Development Director at Countryside Partnerships South East Midlands, said: “Working in partnership to unlock brownfield sites and create high-quality homes of a mix of tenures where communities can thrive is what we’re all about. So it’s great to be working with North East Derbyshire District Council and Rykneld Homes on this regeneration project that will provide much-needed new homes for local people, while also contributing to local services.”

Cllr Nigel Barker, Leader of the Council with responsibility for Housing, said: “We are looking forward to working with Countryside to further regenerate the area of Whiteleas Avenue, North Wingfield, bringing forward muchneeded homes for our local communities. We have listened to our communities who have told us that they want quality affordable homes in the district and this scheme, which includes 48 homes for affordable rent, demonstrates our commitment to do so.”

housing residential

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