North East Derbyshire

£1 million boost for regeneration project near Chesterfield

North East Derbyshire District Council’s The Avenue regeneration project is to receive up to £1m thanks to funding secured from the East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA), which sees the project as an important part of building new and affordable homes and regeneration of brownfield land.

The project, located in Wingerworth, aims to transform a former industrial site into a vibrant mixed-use development with over 100 affordable homes to be built on brownfield land.

The Avenue, a nationally recognised brownfield regeneration project, has already seen significant investment, transforming the area from one of Europe’s most polluted sites into a nature reserve and mixed-use development.

The Council has been working with partners EMCCA, Homes England and Derbyshire County Council to deliver the project.

A key challenge has been finding a viable solution for the Mill Lane junction, off the A61 Derby Road, which provides access to the southern part of the site.

The Council commissioned a study by WSP UK Ltd. that recommended a signalised junction as a more cost-effective and technically sound solution. This alternative, supported by Derbyshire County Council, eliminates the need for third-party land acquisition and unlocks the Taylor Wimpey development.

The funding will be used to provide access to the site, unlocking its potential and completion of the southern access part of The Avenue project will bring many benefits to the district, including:

  • Economic benefits: construction jobs, increased local spending and investment attraction.
  • Environmental benefits: brownfield redevelopment, improved green spaces and sustainable design.
  • Housing benefits: delivery of approximately 363 new homes, including 120 affordable units.
  • Infrastructure improvements: upgraded roads, new utilities and a new school site.
  • Biodiversity net gain: creation of new habitats.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Cllr Jayne Barry said, “We are delighted to receive this funding to help unlock the potential of this site.

“This was one of the most polluted sites in Europe and I am proud of the work that we have done to regenerate the site which is now home to new properties and this funding will help deliver over 100 affordable homes, new infrastructure, jobs, economic growth and more for North East Derbyshire.”

Mayor of the East Midlands, Claire Ward said: “The Avenue at Wingerworth is an ambitious project – one we want to support. It’s transformation from a polluted unused area into a mixed-use site has been great. They are bringing the community and nature back into that space.

“This funding will go towards supporting the project so they can expand further and have more development opportunities in the future.

“Sites like The Avenue are vital for boosting both the local and regional economy, so we want to support the work they are already achieving here in North East Derbyshire by investing in the project.”

Find out more about regeneration projects taking place in Chesterfield at:

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North East Derbyshire businesses to benefit from Shop Front Enhancement Scheme

North East Derbyshire businesses are set to benefit from the launch of a new Shopfront Enhancement Scheme, with grants up to £10,000 up-for-grabs.

North East Derbyshire District Council is inviting businesses and landlords with street-facing commercial premises in the district to apply for grants to help improve the visual appearance of their properties.

This means businesses in towns such as Clay Cross, Dronfield and Eckington will be eligible for the support.

Funded through the North East Derbyshire UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme, the Shopfront Enhancement Scheme will not only enhance the character, value and appeal of each individual property, but collectively will have a positive impact on the appearance of the district’s high streets.

Matthew Broughton, North East Derbyshire District Council’s Director of Growth and Assets, said: “The Shopfront Enhancement Scheme is an exciting opportunity for businesses and landlords to improve their properties, helping to make our town centres and high streets a more inviting and vibrant place for residents and visitors to enjoy.”

“The Scheme will have a positive impact on our local communities and make a visible difference to our district whilst also providing an opportunity to make premises more energy efficient and reduce their utility costs and carbon footprints. We look forward to supporting North East Derbyshire District businesses to improve their properties, footfall and help their businesses thrive.”

Grants are available from a minimum of £500 to a maximum of £10,000, a contribution of up to 75% of total project costs.

The scheme could fund the following types of work:

  • New signage, windows, doors, canopies and professional fees
  • Improved energy efficiency
  • Appropriate lighting
  • Access improvements
  • Reinstatement of historical shopfront
  • Stonework repairs
  • Appropriate external art-work
  • External planters or seating

All works must adhere to the recommendations and principles of NEDDC’s Shopfront Design Guide.

For more information on eligibility criteria, the Shopfront Design Guide, and application process, visit the shop front enhancement pages on the council’s website.

For advice about the scheme, Email North East Derbyshire Council’s Economic Development Team.

The Shopfront Enhancement Scheme is the latest project to get underway, as part of a £2.5m package of funding awarded to the Council earlier this year from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, to spend on initiatives to improve the District’s parks, play areas, shop fronts, tourism offer and business support, amongst other improvements over the coming years.

Clay Cross

Birds’ eye view of Clay Cross Town Centre

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Communities in North East Derbyshire set to see local parks and play areas improved

Communities in the North East Derbyshire District are set to benefit from improvements to local parks and play areas under the first round of grants from the Council’s Shared Prosperity Fund programme.

£237,246 in grant funding has been awarded to Barlow, Brampton, Eckington, Holymoorside & Walton, Shirland & Higham and Unstone Parish Councils and Dronfield Town Council to deliver 8 schemes in the first round of the Quality Parks and Play Areas (QPPA) grant scheme.

Supported projects include replacing outdated equipment, adding new pieces of equipment to cater for a wider age range and installing railings and new surfacing which will make these parks and play areas safer and more attractive for local users.

A further £55,000 has also been allocated to match the Council’s Safer Streets Funding to redevelop the Skate Park in Killamarsh.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure, Communities and Communications, Cllr Alan Powell, said: “Parks and play areas are an important part of the community as they provide the opportunity for physical exercise and social interaction between residents of all ages.

“This funding will enhance existing provision and create spaces that can be enjoyed by local people and visitors alike.”

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Economy, Transformation and Climate Change, Cllr Jeremy Kenyon added: “We recognise the importance of good quality local amenities in our communities.

“This UKSPF investment provides visible improvements that will help future-proof vital local facilities. We will be announcing the outcome of our most recent bidding rounds for our Parks and Play Areas and Village Halls and Community Venues schemes in due course.”

Details of future bidding rounds, including the Shop Front Enhancement Scheme, will be publicised on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund pages of the Council’s website and through its social media.

Chesterfield play park school children




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£2.58m funding announced to enhance North East Derbyshire

North East Derbyshire District Council has been awarded £2.5 million UK Shared Prosperity funding to spend on initiatives to improve the District’s parks, play areas, shop fronts, tourism offer and business support amongst other improvements over the coming years.

The funding will be used to level up across North East Derbyshire (along with the wider UK initiative), addressing geographical inequalities and build pride in place across the whole district.

The Council will deliver initiatives across the District that meet the UKSPF programme investment priorities of Communities and Place, Local Business and People and Skills.

Over the next two years, the Council will invest in projects to make improvements to the public realm, shop fronts, parks, play areas, routeways, village halls and community hubs.

It will also promote the local tourism offer, provide support for businesses, social and financial inclusion activities, green skills training for local workers, and youth activities to address antisocial behaviour. Initiatives will include grant schemes, commissioned activities and focused financial support.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure and Communications, Cllr Alan Powell, said “We are delighted to have received this money which we will use to make a visible difference to our district.

“We have already launched the first round of our Quality Parks and Play Areas grant scheme and we are now pleased to launch the second round as well as the Village Halls and Community Venues and Inclusive Communities schemes”.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Economy, Transformation and Climate, Cllr Jeremy Kenyon, said “Other initiatives, including the Shop Front Enhancement grant scheme, will be announced over the coming months that will have a positive impact on our local communities and will include enhancements to shops and facilities and support to businesses and residents through access to advice and training.

These activities support our vision of a district that is clean and attractive, where people are proud to live and work, where they will prosper and feel safe, happy and healthy and we look forward to reaping the benefits of our investment.”

Details of grant schemes and other initiatives will be publicised on the Council’s website and through social media.

Find out more about the range of developments taking place across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire at:


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Hundreds of vacancies up for grabs at the virtual jobs and training fair

Job seekers in Bolsover, Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire are being encouraged to join a virtual jobs fair this month – which could put them on the path to a new career opportunity.

Chesterfield Borough Council is teaming up with North East Derbyshire District Council and Bolsover District Council to give a boost to local residents’ employment prospects as the online jobs and training fair is set to highlight hundreds of opportunities across Derbyshire.

After the huge success of the previous virtual events, which saw over twenty businesses providing more than 200 employment opportunities, this next fair on Wednesday 26 May is aiming to be bigger and better yet, with even more employers attending.

The three local authorities have teamed up together to provide the two-hour online session where vacancies, training opportunities, employment help and advice will be available via social media, using the hashtag #DerbyshireJobsFair.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, added: “Supporting our residents and local businesses is a vital part of our economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic and the jobs fair is the perfect chance for us to continue to help local people who are looking for their next employment opportunity during these challenging times.

“Our past events have been popular with local job seekers and employers, and we’re pleased to be working alongside our partner authorities again to support our local communities.”

Leader of Bolsover District Council, Steve Fritchley said: “This event is the perfect opportunity for us to support people after what has been a trying year for us all. We want to give our local economy a boost and helping people into employment and training is one way we are doing this, as well as undertaking a local Skills Audit and planning for an Institute of Technology (Centre of Excellence).”

Councillor Carolyn Renwick, North East Derbyshire District Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic Growth said, “We have hosted some fantastic online job fairs previously with our partners, helping to secure employment for our local communities.

“This next jobs fair is a great way for local businesses to take part and share their vacancies with us so we can help residents with employment opportunities and progress their career to the next level.”

Many employers are already signed up to take part in the event by sharing their vacancies using the hashtag, and all the opportunities will also be shared on the councils’ social media channels.

There will be a wide mix of job opportunities available, from more senior positions through to apprenticeships that are designed to help develop skills and experience. Chesterfield is an Apprentice Town and all three local authorities are committed to supporting young people progress in the world of work, through apprenticeship opportunities.

They will be key to helping ensure economic recovery because not only can they provide young people with new skills, they can also be used to recruit new staff, re-train or upskill existing staff.

The event will be held on 26 May from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm across all council’s social media channels. Businesses wishing to advertise and take part can do so free of charge. Email or call 07973 343383 with your expression of interest.

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New partnership launched to combat loneliness and social isolation across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire

Residents across Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire and Bolsover District who are feeling alone and isolated during the ongoing pandemic are being encouraged to seek support.

‘Feeling Connected’ is a partnership project led by Derbyshire Voluntary Action with the support of Chesterfield Borough Council and North East Derbyshire District Council, which aims to tackle social isolation in the local area.

The project has been commissioned by the Healthy North East Derbyshire and Chesterfield Health and Wellbeing Partnerships which are funded by Derbyshire County Council Public Health.

The ‘Feeling Connected’ project aims to:

• help people better understand the benefits of being socially connected
• raise awareness of existing services which support social connectedness
• identify interventions, initiatives and activities which help people to feel socially connected and which could be further supported and developed in North East Derbyshire and Chesterfield

Jacqui Willis, Chief Executive of Derbyshire Voluntary Action, said: “Most people, young and old, feel lonely from time to time. This is normal, and even healthy. It can be a prompt for action, a reminder to make contact with other people and to create or reaffirm connections.

“Where it can become a problem is if people become isolated through circumstances beyond their control, and if feelings of loneliness become entrenched, or persist for a long time.”

As well as encouraging people who may be socially isolated to seek support, the partnership is also encouraging residents to think about those in their local community who may be alone and consider how they can help them.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “Tackling social isolation and supporting our residents to overcome the impact of the pandemic is a priority for Chesterfield Borough Council and is at the heart of our Covid-19 community recovery plan.

“Many people have experienced social isolation throughout the pandemic – especially those who have limited access to technology so we’re really pleased to be supporting this project and looking into new initiatives which will help promote social connectedness for our residents.”

Councillor Alan Powell, North East Derbyshire District Council’s cabinet member for Partnership Engagement and Strategy, said: “The pandemic has affected us all, but for some people the feelings of loneliness and isolation have been greatly amplified during this time.

“We are therefore delighted to be supporting this project which will help our residents access the support they need and encourage others to think about those who are alone.”

In the spirit of connecting with others, the ‘Feeling Connected’ project has linked up with similar work which is happening in Bolsover District: ‘Connect Bolsover’ led by Bassetlaw CVS.

Bolsover District Council’s Leader, Councillor Steve Fritchley said: “The situation over the past ten months has highlighted the impact of loneliness and the importance of being part of a community. Even though we have new technology, there is no substitute for human contact, having a cuppa, a biscuit and a chat.

“I believe we will see more people suffering from agoraphobia. Organisations like chit chat groups, craft classes and toddler groups play a huge part in a local community and can provide people with the boost they need if they are feeling lonely or isolated. So we are delighted to support this project within Bolsover District and the wider north east Derbyshire area.”

You can find more information about ‘Feeling Connected’ at and about ‘Connect Bolsover’ at

Derbyshire Voluntary Action supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Jacqui Willis, Derbyshire Voluntary Action


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New consultation to be launched on North East Derbyshire District Council’s local plan

A new consultation is due to be launched on North East Derbyshire District Council’s draft Local Plan, which sets the plan for future development in the area. This will allow over seven full weeks for the public and groups to comment.

The draft Local Plan is currently under examination and the new consultation will be on changes to the plan, called ‘Main Modifications’ which are proposed by the independent inspector.

It is expected that the consultation, set to be approved by the Cabinet on the 29th October, will run for 7 ½ weeks, from the 2nd November 2020 to the 23rd December 2020. Full details on the consultation and how it will work will be posted on the Council’s website and social media over the next week.

Cllr Charlotte Cupit, Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, commented: “This consultation will allow residents to have their say on the changes proposed by the Inspector to the draft Plan so far, including the removal of three large previously allocated Green Belt sites and the updated housing land supply in our District.

“I would urge everyone to submit their views on the proposed changes as part of this consultation. I understand there is particular concern over the remaining allocations in the Green Belt and why the Inspector has only removed some allocations from the Plan but not others. This is the last chance for communities to highlight their concerns and test the Inspector’s reasoning by commenting on her Main Modifications proposals.

“We recognise that Covid-19 provides challenges to how consultations were previously run, but we’ve been working hard to make sure this consultation is accessible to residents and making extra provisions, including for anyone who may be self-isolating. As well as being available online, consultation documents can be posted out on request, to local residents who are self-isolating and unable to access deposit venues or view material online.”

You can find the Cabinet paper, including details of the proposed Main Modifications consultation, here

Previous Examination updates are available here.

The Avenue, Wingerworth

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